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Here is where you'll find resources, tools, and tips on how you can build Whole Health Wealth. This website connects you to free trainings and many additional free assets guaranteed to enrich your journey to wealth and well-being. All of the weblinks from Financially Capable are listed below for your reference.
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Family Budget/Economic Security Calculator
Predatory Financial Products and Services Guide
The Consumer Financial Emergency Survival Kit
Age Differences in Consumer Financial Capability Study
Budget Worksheet
The Investment Risk Tolerance Quiz
How to Access Consumer Reporting Companies Booklet
Popular Resources
Resources by Chapter
Part I – Financial Environment: Understanding Access and Opportunity in a Turbulent World
Chapter 1. The Financial World We Live In
Chapter 2. The Reality about Money: We Hate (and Love) to Talk about It
worksheets to start conversations and break money taboos
history of money, pay equity, and additional financial truths
Chapter 3. Are Financial Foundations the Root of All Evil?
For more details about financial institutions, check out https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/31/1010.100
You can find helpful information about our economic system, financial institutions, and the products and services they offer
Chapter 4. I’m Not a Homo Economicus: Scarcity, Choice, and Irrational Behavior
Economics is a huge field of study with great books and resources to dig into. For free access to more information
Chapter 5. Deferred Dreams and Skin Color: Prejudice Makes Us All Poorer
ideas on creating equitability public policies like Baby Bonds, and a publication called “The Color of Wealth”
Part II – More Than Touchy-Feely: The Psychology, Attitudes, Behaviors, and Emotions of Money
Chapter 6. Past Memories, Present Decisions, and Future Hopes
For more inspiration, information, and a free First Money Memory worksheet
Chapter 7. What Do You Value? Personal, Cultural, and Financial Values
-Shalom Schwartz developed the Theory of Basic Human Values- free human values test
-info on values
-free CNN money type quiz here: http://cnnmon.ie/2a6OgqU
Chapter 8. Healthy Relationships Lead to a Rich Life
www.spenders.org Spenders Anonymous
https://positivepsychology.com/emotion-regulation/ and https://health.cornell.edu/resources/health-topics/stress-management
financial psychology?
A: Here are a couple of free resources: Center for Advanced Hindsight
https://advanced-hindsight.com/course/a-beginners-guide-to-irrational-behavior-via-coursera/ and Class Central, https://www.classcentral.com/course/duke-behavioral-finance-6635.
Part III – Nuts and Bolts: The Fundamental Knowledge of Financial Literacy
Chapter 9. Why Isn’t Financial Education Taught in Schools?
Advocate for financial education
To access more data and resources and to get involved, check out the Council for Economic Education (www.councilforeconed.org) and Next Gen Personal Finance (www.ngpf.org/expand-access/).
For more education than you’ll find on your Instagram feed, including research on financial literacy in schools and how to get involved in your neighborhood
Chapter 10. Moving Beyond Basic
include how to search
Where can I find more personal finance-related resources?
A: Some trustworthy resources include these:
My Money, https://www.mymoney.gov/
National Endowment for Financial Education, https://www.nefe.org/
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, https://www.fdic.gov/resources/consumers/money-smart/
National Credit Union Administration, https://www.ncua.gov/consumers/financial-literacy-resources
Investopedia, https://www.investopedia.com/
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, https://www.consumerfinance.gov/
American Institute of CPAs, https://www.360financialliteracy.org/
more money tips
Chapter 11. That Dirty B Word
If you’d like help with budgeting, consider the following resources:
Federal Trade Commission, https://www.consumer.gov/articles/1002-making-budget
National Foundation for Credit Counseling, https://www.nfcc.org/
Q: How can I compare the cost of living in different areas?
A: EPI’s family budgets provide a more accurate and complete measure of economic security in America, https://www.epi.org/resources/budget/.
Where can I go for career resources?
A: ONET Online, www.onetonline.org, and Career One Stop, www.careeronestop.org, are resources to identify career growth opportunities. There are also plenty of resources for you to start or grow a business—https://americassbdc.org/ is one place where you can get connected to local free business consulting. You can access free workshops, advice from experienced mentors, and a Small Business Resource Library here: www.score.org/.
Q: What if I can’t pay a student loan?
A: Take action as soon as possible. You may qualify for forbearance, loan forgiveness, or other relief. Check out Federal Student Aid, https://studentaid.gov/.
Q: Where can I go for tax help?
A: Start here at the websites of the IRS and government benefits: www.irs.gov/help/ita and www.benefits.gov/benefit/1543.
your nearest VITA site, free worksheets, and a family budget calculator that will help identify living wages and economic security in America
The cookbook Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown might be a helpful resource for you to learn to feed yourself on a $4-a-day food stamp budget (the ebook download is free): https://www.leannebrown.com/cookbooks/
Chapter 12. Stop Deferring Dreams. Set Goals
For encouragement, inspiration, and a free SMART goals tool
Chapter 13. Now or Later: Finding Balance with Saving and Investing
free investor quiz: https://tools.finra.org/knowledge_quiz/. You can take additional quizzes, learn about investment professionals, and more here: https://www.investor.gov/
America Saves, https://americasaves.org/
Military Saves, https://militarysaves.org/
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, https://www.consumerfinance.gov/start-small-save-up/
, www.fidelity.com/go/youth-account/overview and Acorns, https://www.acorns.com/
low-cost options like Acorns, https://www.acorns.com/, Fidelity, www.fidelity.com, and Schwab, www.schwab.com.
Investor.gov, https://www.investor.gov/, has investing quizzes, tools, and plenty of resources
college-level finance courses. You can take free high quality [AED1] courses through Coursera or edX, https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=investment or https://www.edx.org/learn/investing.
BrokerCheck is a free tool to research the background and experience of brokers, advisers, and firms, https://brokercheck.finra.org/
, instant access to an Identify Your Money Type tool, an Investment Risk Tolerance Quiz, and courses on cryptocurrencies
Chapter 14. To Your Credit: More Than Just a Score
loan terms to find the best interest rate and then negotiate the price of the vehicle
as www.Edmunds.com and www.kelleybluebook.com
FDIC High Cost Guide
credit conditions, check out https://www.newyorkfed.org/outreach-and-education/community-development/credit-conditions
Survivor Agency & Justice www.csaj.org
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence offers a free resource library on gender-based violence: https://vawnet.org/sc/credit
Domestic Shelters: www.domesticshelters.org/
Women’s Law: www.womenslaw.org/find-help/advocates-and-shelters
National Domestic Violence Hotline: www.thehotline.org/, 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224
National Sexual Assault Hotline: (800) 656-HOPE
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/common-errors-credit-report-and-how-get-them-fixed/
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/disputing-errors-your-credit-reports www.consumer.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/articles/pdf/pdf-0034-credit-repair.pdf
free credit-related resources such as information on the use of credit in employment
Chapter 15. Don’t Judge Me. It’s Only Three Digits
To order your credit report, visit www.AnnualCreditReport.com, or call (877) 322-8228. You can also download a free form to request your report by mail on my website, www.MattParadise.com/capablebonus
credit scores, including a free booklet on understanding FICO scoring
Chapter 16. It’s Not Fake News: Scams, Fraud, and ID Theft
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, www.cisa.gov
The FBI publishes a list of the most common scams and crimes as well as tips to avoid becoming a victim. The most up-to-date information can be found here: https://www.fbi.gov/scams-and-safety.
Place a free, one-year fraud alert by contacting one of three credit bureaus. That company must tell the other two.
www.experian.com/help and (888) EXPERIAN, (888) 397-3742
www.transunion.com/credit-help and (888) 909-8872
www.equifax.com/personal/credit-report-services (800) 685-1111
Complete their online form www.identitytheft.gov or call (877) 438-4338
Where can I get help with my consumer rights?
A: You can find state and federal consumer protection offices and agencies here: www.usa.gov/state-consumer and here: www.consumerfinance.gov/ and
www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/consumer-protection. You can also look here: www.justice.gov/civil/consumer-information and here: www.nclc.org/.
free forty-page guide on identity theft, a College Student’s Guide to Fraud, and Scams, Schemes, and Swindles
Chapter 17. Don’t Leave Shore without a Financial Life Preserver
compare rates. Here are a couple:
www.policygenius.com/ (you don’t need to enter personal information) and www.quotacy.com/
insurance options, including health, auto, home, life, disability, and business insurance, including free access to a 200-page guide to insurance
Chapter 18. How Healthy Is Your Estate?
Nolo provides legal forms, software, books, and e-books (www.nolo.com)
Understanding the Basics of Estate Planning guide and checklist
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Matt Paradise