Matt ParadiseTruly LIVING through AdversityZihuatanejo was the perfect island that provided hope for the imprisoned Andy Dufresne in the movie Shawshank Redemption. The story is...
Matt ParadiseLife, Insurance…and CocaineBy grace and the encouragement from friends and family, I’ve been sober for 20 years. As a teenager, I was curious about drugs and open...
Matt ParadiseUbuntu... and Thank youUbuntu embodies the ideas of connection, community, and mutual caring for all.
Matt ParadiseBias, Business, and Pot Roast“I think unconscious bias is one of the hardest things to get at.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg The truth is, many of us make decisions based on...
Matt ParadiseThe money’s gone! A Story of ID FraudThis morning my father in law came to me frantically seeking help. He was rightly concerned as his 100-year-old mother in law’s checking...
Matt Paradise DO NO HARMFinancial advice is often complicated, overly generalized, and at times condescending- come on now, how many times have you heard advice...